The month of November is a time traditionally designated by the Catholic Church to remember our deceased loved ones. Here is a prayer service you can use for Remembering Your Deceased Loved Ones:
A Prayer Service for the Grave Site
Sign of the Cross
Greeting: We gather today to pray for our (father, mother, brother, uncle, grandmom, etc.) whose body lies here in rest. He/She has passed from death to life in company with the Lord Jesus, who died and rose to new life, and is purified now of his/her earthly faults. We pray that God may welcome him/her among all the saints of heaven where there is no pain or suffering only joy. We ask all this through Christ our Lord! Amen.
Reading: 1 Thes 4:13ff (followed by a moment of silent reflection and/or sharing of memories).
Our Father
Closing Prayer: All powerful God, whose mercy is never withheld from those who call upon you in hope, look kindly on your servant, (our father, mother, grandmother, etc.) departed this life confessing your name and number him/her among your saints forevermore.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Placing of Flowers, Pictures, Sign of Affection: Lord, with reverence, we leave_______at this
grave, woven with love, adorned with memories and with our faith and hope that ______
is being held safely at your side in heaven where there is no pain or suffering. Until that day
when we are all joined together again, we pray: Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May he/she rest in peace. Amen
May his/her soul and the souls of the all the faithful departed,
Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Our Pastoral Team is here to serve. We/I are only ever a phone call away. 215-836-2828
Be assured of my continued prayers and support for you and your loved ones.
St. Genevieve pray for us!
God bless,
(Rev. Carl Janicki)
A Glance at the Daily Mass Readings
Reflecting on the famous Philippians 2:5-11 which we read on Tuesday, Professor Sharon H. Ringe offers us this insight: the reading “turns the dial on our lens, to give us a new focus through which to perceive and understand the horrendous events of Jesus’ passion. It is not the story of Jesus as victim, nor is it a one-time event that can remain safely in the remembered past. Rather, it is a narrative of freely chosen obedience that models for us how to live faithfully in the communities where our lives are cast. Paul invites us to make it our story as well.” and (a mega site with exhaustive hyperlinks, including for Sunday readings)
~Live Streaming Masses~
Our cameras are installed, the software is functioning, and we will be practice streaming Daily Mass throughout the week. We will be using YouTube for our streaming platform. Our channel is:
Currently there is a welcome and blessing for our space from Archbishop Perez.
In order to view our Masses when we are producing them, you will need to subscribe to our channel. If you do not have a YouTube account, you can follow the steps to create one after pressing subscribe.
Our intended “First Live Stream Mass” is Saturday, November 7, 2020 5:00pm Vigil Mass which will also have the yearly litany of remembrance for those who have died this year.