From Father Carl – November 15, 2020

From Father Carl

As we move into the last weeks of Ordinary Time and prepare to begin Advent (November 29th), the Daily Mass first readings will come from the Book of Revelation.

Many people over the years have commented about their struggle to understand Revelation for various reasons.  Among them have been:  it’s too hard to understand; it scares me; I do not like how people use it for dire predictions; there are so many ways to interpret it.

The Life Application Bible offers this insight into reading Revelation:  “Revelation is written in ‘apocalyptic’ form – a type of Jewish literature that uses symbolic imagery to communicate hope (in the ultimate triumph) of God to those in the midst of persecution.  The events are ordered according to literary, rather than strictly chronological, patterns.”  The New American Bible offers this insight into reading Revelation: “The Book of Revelation had its origins in a time of crisis, but it remains valid and meaningful for Christians of all time.  In face of apparently insuperable evil, either from within or without, all Christians are called to trust in Jesus’ promise, ‘Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age’ (Mt 28:20).  Those who remain steadfast in their faith and confidence in the risen Lord need have no fear. … it is a message of hope and consolation and challenge for all who dare to believe.”

Our ancestors of faith received the Book of Revelation in their time of need and their perseverance stands as an example for all those who experience tests of faith.  Certainly, we will never fully understand Revelation.  Hopefully, these insights lessen some of the popular misconceptions.  Maybe this year, we can hear Revelation with gratitude in the spirit in which it was originally written, resistance literature for those whose lives were in peril because of their desire to follow and believe in Jesus Christ.  For their witness and fortitude, and for the Book of Revelation which helped them keep the faith alive, I am grateful.


We/I are only ever a phone call away, 215-836-2828.

Be assured of my continued prayers and support for you and your loved ones.


St. Genevieve pray for us.

God Bless,


(Rev. Carl Janicki)

A Glance at the Daily Mass Readings


In the Gospel readings this week, the theme of seeing is emphasized.  It is a reminder to pray for the gift to see as God sees, and then use our eyes of faith to respond with charity.


~USCCB Statement on Election results~

We thank God for the blessings of liberty. The American people have spoken in this election. Now is the time for our leaders to come together in a spirit of national unity and to commit themselves to dialogue and compromise for the common good.

As Catholics and Americans, our priorities and mission are clear. We are here to follow Jesus Christ, to bear witness to His love in our lives, and to build His Kingdom on earth. I [Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of LA, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops] believe that at this moment in American history, Catholics have a special duty to be peacemakers, to promote fraternity and mutual trust, and to pray for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country.

Democracy requires that all of us conduct ourselves as people of virtue and self-discipline. It requires that we respect the free expression of opinions and that we treat one another with charity and civility, even as we might disagree deeply in our debates on matters of law and public policy.

As we do this, we recognize that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., has received enough votes to be elected the 46th President of the United States. We congratulate Mr. Biden and acknowledge that he joins the late President John F. Kennedy as the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith. We also congratulate Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California, who becomes the first woman ever elected as vice president.

We ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of this great nation, to intercede for us. May she help us to work together to fulfill the beautiful vision of America’s missionaries and founders — one nation under God, where the sanctity of every human life is defended and freedom of conscience and religion are guaranteed

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