From Father Carl
We continue to lift in prayer those impacted by COVID-19, all first responders, essential workers, those in the medical and science fields battling COVID-19. We also remember in prayer all those receiving the vaccine and pray for their well-being. You can read the USCCB guidelines regarding the moral considerations for the vaccines here:
On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis declared this the year of St. Joseph. In the Apostolic Letter declaring the year, we read: “The history of salvation is worked out ‘in hope against hope’ (Rom 4:18), through our weaknesses. All too often, we think that God works only through our better parts, yet most of His plans are realized in and despite our frailty” …“We know that God’s truth does not condemn, but instead welcomes, embraces, sustains, and forgives us” … and “We need only ask Saint Joseph for the grace of graces: our conversion.” You can read the entire document here:
January 6th, we celebrate the feast of St. Andre Bessette who had great devotion to St. Joseph and like St. Joseph was a humble servant of God. It’s always amazing to remembe, that over a million people attended his wake and burial. Read more about St. Andre here:
As with all references to St. Joseph, this year of dedication is a wonderful reminder of how fortunate we are for the Sisters of St. Joseph whose presence and ministry enrich our community and the Church in so many ways. Sisters, thank you.
Finally, Pope Francis’ World Peace Day (January 1, 2021) message entitled “A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace” was released (December 17, 2020). The final section offers us these words upon which we could build our New Year’s Spiritual Resolution(s): “the culture of care thus calls for a common, supportive and inclusive commitment to protecting and promoting the dignity and good of all, a willingness to show care and compassion, to work for reconciliation and healing, and to advance mutual respect and acceptance. As such, it represents a privileged path to peace.” You can find the entire message here:
Blessings for a safe and healthy 2021.
We/I are only ever a phone call away to assist you, 215-836-2828. Be assured of our prayers and support.
St. Genevieve pray for us.
God bless,
(Reverend) Carl Janicki
A Glance at the Daily Mass Readings
The first readings from 1st John, highlight the relation between way of life and Christian doctrine. As the New American Bible footnote for 1John4:7-12 (Tuesday’s reading 1Jn 4:7-10) reminds us “Love as we share in it testifies to the nature of God and to His presence in our lives. One who loves shows that one is a child of God and knows God, for God’s very being is love; one without love is without God.”
Parish Strategic Planning Process
During my initial meeting with the Finance Council Leaders, the idea of a parish strategic planning process was mentioned. In the Fall meetings with the Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, and Liturgy Committee the idea of a parish strategic plan was discussed. In further conversation with members of these parish leadership groups, the desire to enter a strategic planning process with Sr. Mary Dacey, SSJ as our facilitator was confirmed.
After consultation with our pastoral team, and time discerning in prayer, all five people I asked to serve as the leadership core team agreed. They are:
Mary Pugh, Ed Foy, Allison Target, Robert Krandel
Sr. Theresa Maugle, SSJ, Sr. Mary Dacey, SSJ (our facilitator).
I look forward to listening and learning with/from them through this process.
We look forward to collaborating with you and providing regular updates as our Parish Strategic Planning Process unfolds.